Red Lodge Music
Montana’s Premier
Music Camp

Music is returning to the mountains!
If you have just finished the seventh grade, are just graduating from high school, or are somewhere in between, you may attend the 60th Annual Red Lodge Music Festival this summer. And when you come to Red Lodge June 14-22, you will experience a unique blend of music performance and fun. Read more
We work hard to model and instill appropriate concert etiquette with our students, and we are professionally recording faculty performances for broadcast on public radio. Join us at our faculty concerts during the festival! See dates

Register for the Festival
Register to attend this year’s Red Lodge Music Festival and find the registration brochure here!

Prepare for Auditions
All students audition for ensemble and orchestra placement when they arrive at camp. Find the materials here.

About the Festival
Join us for our 60th Season at Montana’s Premier Music Camp!
If you want to learn to play great music from professional musicians while staying in a scenic wonderland just an hour from Yellowstone Park, join us at Red Lodge Music Festival this summer. Come to Music in the Mountains!
Read our annual newsletter, which includes great articles from our board, faculty, staff and students at last year’s camp.
Contact Us
Ask questions and get information about registration, faculty, recitals, and the festival itself.
As stewards of this program we work diligently to keep tuition costs within reach of all students. Are you willing to help us out? Click here.